Tyre Tread Safety Ratings & Checks [Infographic] | Help & Advice | Mr Tyre
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Tyre Tread Safety Ratings & Checks [Infographic]

As a driver, it’s important to make yourself familiar with the tread of your vehicle’s tyres to ensure you are driving legally and safely on the roads. Uneven or worn tread can significantly impact grip and control whilst driving which, in turn, affects the stopping distance of the vehicle. The more worn the tyre tread is, the longer the stopping distance of your car becomes, particularly in wet conditions.

To discover more about tyre tread, how to check the tread on your vehicle and what the consequences of incorrect tread can be, simply take a look at our guide below.

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Don’t become a statistic  make sure the tread of your tyres complies with legal requirements for complete safety on the road. Whether you have checked your tread and it’s exceeding the legal minimum of 1.6mm, or you need a tyre expert to measure the tread for you, simply contact our experienced team today. It is recommended that you have your tyres changed well ahead of them reaching the legal minimum, so the earlier the tread is checked, the better.

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