The Dos & Don'ts of Windscreen Defrosting | Help & Advice | Mr Tyre
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The Dos & Don’ts of Windscreen Defrosting

  • Never use boiling water & avoid metal tools. Opt for lukewarm water & plastic scrapers for safe, damage-free defrosting.
  • Turn on your car’s heating system, including any front / rear defrost mode, for a quicker result. It seems counterintuitive but turning the AC on helps too.
  • Never leave your car unattended while the engine is running, even for defrosting. It’s an offence!
  • Ensure all windows are completely clear before starting your journey for responsible and safe driving.

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A frosted windscreen can significantly impair a motorist’s vision on the roads. By law, all drivers must make sure their entire windscreen is clear during their journey to ensure full visibility when out and about.

Although it may be tempting to try and speed up the defrosting process, rushing things can cause more damage than good, so make sure you give yourself plenty of time and use the correct techniques to ensure your windscreen is properly defrosted.


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