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Our Survey Said

Here at Mr Tyre, we’re committed to engaging our customers in a wider debate about the motoring world. So, what about the UK’s roads gets your motor running and what grinds your gears? You’re in the right place to find out because we’ve asked the general public how they feel about a number of issues, from furry dice in the window to electric vehicles.

Drivers Sentiment Survey - Mr Tyre


How we collected the data

Respondents were invited to take part via a post on Facebook. The survey was open to the general public with 75.8% respondents being male and 24.2% female. Ages range from 17 to 75 and over, with the majority placed in the 55 to 64 category.

Our key findings

Over half those surveyed believe that too much of their fuel costs are taxed. Taxes levied upon fuel sales are designed to offset the devastating effects of climate change. With personal transportation and commercial vehicles making up a large portion of our carbon emissions, the government sets fuel duties higher than other taxes.

The UK’s least favourable driving habit is not using your indicators. That’s certainly what our respondents indicated, with over 34% claiming it to be the most inconsiderate thing for another driver to do.

To draw your own conclusions, here are our results in full.

Full Survey Results:


What are your feelings about potholes on UK roads?

  • 86.9% believe our roads should be better maintained
  • 7.8% blame councils and utility maintenance for potholes
  • 5.3% suggest staying calm and accepting potholes as a fact of life

What do you think about electric cars?

  • 42.6% believe that electric cars are currently too expensive and impractical
  • 34.6% think the concept is great but current technology is lacking
  • 21.3% rightly point out that infrastructure will take some years to catch up
  • 1.4% own an electric car right now and are loving it

What frustrates you most about the cost of fuel?

  • 54.3% of respondents are despondent about fuel taxation
  • 34% are frustrated that prices rise quickly and decline slowly
  • 7.1% prices per litre should be more uniform
  • 4.5% are satisfied with the price of their fuel

What is the most inconsiderate thing other drivers do?

  • 34.6% are ticked off by a lack of indicator usage
  • 30.5% can’t abide middle lane hogging
  • 28.8% are tired of tailgating
  • 4.7% find speeding is just the worst
  • 1.4% aren’t thanking you for the loud, blaring music

What is your opinion about personalised number plates?

  • 59.4% told us personalised number plates are just a bit of fun
  • 21.8% decided they are for people with more money than sense
  • 11.8% surprisingly claim to have one and love it
  • A further 7% claimed they would have one if they could

What are your feelings about speed cameras?

  • 62.4% see speed cameras as money spinning machines
  • 21.5% believe speed cameras are important for deterring bad drivers
  • 13.5% down right dislike them
  • 2.6% have no opinion on speed cameras whatsoever

Should the speed limit on motorways be increased?

  • 56.5% agree that cars are so safe now that motorway speeds should increase
  • 40.1% are happy with the speed limits as they are currently
  • 3.4% say that 70mph is already too fast for them

Should car decorations, toys and accessories be outlawed?

  • 47.8% don’t like furry dice and believe they are dangerous
  • 46% think furry dice are harmless
  • 6.2% like decoration and think it’s a lovely way to express yourself

Mr Tyre is a premier tyre specialist and automotive centre serving customers throughout central England. Dedicated technicians identify the right tyres for your vehicle, with swift replacement of brand new ones from leading brands including Avon, Bridgestone, Continental, Dunlop, Hankook, Michelin and many others. We also see to brakes, exhausts and provide full vehicle servicing.

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