Driver Dislikes: What Riles Road Users [infographic] | Mr Tyre
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Driver Dislikes: What Riles Road Users [infographic]

Do tractor tailbacks test your patience? Or is it the ever-present potholes that are giving you grief? We’ve ranked the biggest driver dislikes that you should definitely relate to (and be riled by!)

Driver dislikes infographic containing 4 levels of dissatisfaction: tutting territory, horn honk worthy, gear grinding, send to scrapyard

Tutting Territory 

Mild annoyances are part of being a motorist but that doesn’t mean we can’t grumble. Tractor tailbacks are prime tutting territory and sometimes make us wish we’d taken our chances in the city traffic. Meanwhile, double roundabouts can create a lot of confusion, along with making you wonder what was wrong with just one big roundabout? Finally, while it’s nice that they warn us, we all could do without seeing the dreaded ‘New Road Layout Ahead’ sign on our journey. 

Horn Honk Worthy

If you’ve been in a queue for ages, a green light is a beacon of hope that you’ll finally escape. That’s why a particularly hasty green light can stir up such irritation when only a couple of cars find freedom each time. Another contender in this category are speed cushions, though we do grudgingly accept their safety benefits. Lastly, we come to the coin-only parking machine which frankly has no place in a modern society where carrying coppers is a thing of the past. 

Gear Grinding 

Now we are getting into the unsafe and downright rude territory. The infuriating act of not indicating takes a spot here, due to being both impolite and dangerous to other road users. Likewise, not taking a moment to say thanks when someone has let you out also grinds many of our gears. Taking the final place are potholes which transform any journey from smooth sailing to a juddering nightmare. 

Send to Scrapyard 

Brace yourselves for the very worst the road has to offer. Taking a well-deserved spot is those people who don’t dip their blinding high-beam headlights which has real collision-causing potential. Next up are motorists who park over two spots and truly make you wonder if they passed their driving test on a fluke. Finally, we include the bane of Britain; workerless roadworks. Seriously, are they always on a break?

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